Creative. Strategy. Marketing.

Deadpool's Super Duper Dance Party

As Creative Director at The Visionary Group, Gabrielle developed a program for 20th Century Fox designed to celebrate the release of Deadpool 2 and introduce the franchise to the show floor at San Diego Comic Con for the first time since the foul-mouthed mercenary hit Hollywood. Born out of a nostalgia-fueled fever dream, Gabrielle brought Fox the bizarre idea to create a stage show featuring a fully animatronic Ryan Reynolds Deadpool MC (built by the incomparable Henson Creature shop) and a backing band of terrifyingly spectacular animals from the now defunct ShowBiz Pizza kids show. The resulting experience made the top of multiple best-of-Comic-Con lists including IGN, LA Times, BizBash, and Gizmodo and won a Best Theming Shruggie Award.

The program extended beyond the show floor to the Hard Rock Hotel where Gabrielle and her talented production team transformed a suite into Blind Al’s apartment, otherwise known as Deadpool’s home away from home in the film.

Watch the video below.

Deadpool 2 At SDCC


We Toured Deadpool's Apartment At Comic Con 2018